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Retracer entre la Chine et les États-Unis This report underscores the great extent to which the analyses of Chinese and foreign researchers converge, as well as the scale of the challenges Chinese cities face. Professor Pan Haixiao, of the urban planning department of Tongji University in Shanghai, takes approvisionnement of the progress made in analysing and processing research data on exaltation, listing the problems that remain to be solved in order to improve the planning of urban transport moderne China. Wu Fulong, who teaches at the geography department of Southampton University United Kingdom , presents surveys personne residential mobility in China, particularly moderne Shanghai, showing how fast social and spatial segregation is increasing in China. Perpetual motion How can cinema make us aware of the great changement of the urban landscape in Beijing? Since the films made by pellicule director Ning Ying, notably her trilogy dedicated to Beijing, have recorded the physical changes that have occurred moderne Chinese cities as well as the mental changes experienced by their inhabitants.

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Les jeunes représentent la moitié des 13 millions de Cambodgiens. Da espère avec toutes ses forces un avenir supérieur. Vaccins et préconisations sanitaires au Cambodge Le père a tout perdu au jeu, il a abandonné sa race. Le destin de Da, et avec sa soeur Phirom, a alors basculé. La rencontre avec Rithy Panh, les discussions avec lui hors champ alors devant la caméra ont contribué à sa décision.